
Written by:

Robert Fogel

呼吸集团全球医疗事务副总裁 & Immunology, AstraZeneca

Our bold ambition is to eliminate asthma attacks and improve outcomes for patients, 同时减少哮喘护理对环境的影响.

Asthma is one of the most common chronic non-communicable diseases – it affects approximately 262 million people globally and is responsible for over 450,全世界每年有1000人死亡, 其中大多数是可以预防的.1,2 Further, an estimated 136 million exacerbations are experienced globally every year.3 这些数字告诉澳门葡京赌博游戏,哮喘是一种严重且往往管理不善的疾病, 还有很多人患有无法控制的哮喘.

This year, the 全球哮喘倡议 (GINA) emphasised the need to empower people with asthma with the appropriate education to manage their disease, 并认识到何时寻求医疗帮助是他们生活的一部分 哮喘教育赋权世界哮喘日活动.4 At AstraZeneca, we are steadfast in our commitment to work alongside the global respiratory community in driving education and awareness among patients, healthcare professionals and policymakers on the key issues affecting people with asthma, 包括诊断不足或不准确, inappropriate medicines use and poor recognition of patients requiring specialist assessment and further management.4 We have a bold ambition to help eliminate asthma attacks and improve outcomes for patients, 同时减少哮喘护理对环境的影响.5

Our collaboration with the International Primary Care Respiratory Group on Asthma Right Care – a global social movement aimed at disrupting the status quo in asthma care – is an example of this commitment. The programme, 现已在全球24个国家推出, 装备全科医生, pharmacists, nurses, patients and others involved in front-line care with the tools needed to seek better asthma management solutions and, in the process, 改善哮喘患者的预后.6

We also contribute to initiatives that address the structural and policy gaps in health systems. Severe asthma is a distinct and debilitating condition representing up to 10% of asthma cases7 但至少占哮喘总费用的50%8,9 根据加拿大的一项研究,是轻度哮喘的10倍.10 A lack of awareness of what appropriate care should be for people with severe asthma means that patients often face delays in diagnosis and referral.7,11 We have supported the development of health system quality standards in severe asthma which have served as blueprints for improving referral pathways, securing appropriate specialist resources and increasing use of guideline directed care.12

Well-controlled asthma combines benefits both for patients and for the carbon footprint of care

The climate crisis, pollution and other environmental factors contribute to the burden of chronic respiratory diseases including asthma.13,14 At the same time, caring for millions of people with these conditions carries an environmental impact.15

Respiratory diseases like asthma are complex, difficult to treat and often poorly controlled,16,17 并且与更大的护理碳足迹有关.15,18 In the UK, Europe and the US, asthma is poorly controlled in around half of those with the condition.15,19 在中低收入国家的哮喘患者中, 这个数字上升到惊人的90%, substantially increasing the risk of hospital admission and severe illness as well as healthcare costs.20 Poorly controlled asthma is associated with increased morbidity and healthcare resource utilisation.15 Optimising care by implementing evidence-based guidelines into clinical practice can reduce exacerbations, and the improved patient outcomes may also decrease the overall carbon footprint associated with asthma care.15,21,22  


As leaders in respiratory care our work to improve outcomes in order to decarbonise the footprint of care is coupled with our commitment to reduce the carbon footprint of our medicines. Recently, we have accelerated the development of our inhaled respiratory medicines using an innovative, 全球变暖潜能值接近于零的下一代推进剂(99.比今天的药物低9%).5 首批发射预计从2025年开始,但需获得监管部门的批准.


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  1. Global Asthma Network. 2022年全球哮喘报告. [Online]. 可在:http://globalasthmareport.org/resources/Global_Asthma_Report_2022.pdf. Accessed May 2024.
  2. WHO/Asthma. Available at: http://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/asthma. Accessed May 2024.   
  3. 澳门葡京网赌游戏制药. Data on File. 布地奈德/福莫特罗存档数据:全球哮喘加重年发生率. (REF-173201).
  4. GINA World Asthma Day. [Online]. Available at: ginaasthma.org/world-asthma-day-may-7-2024/. Accessed May 2024.
  5. AstraZeneca. [Online]. AstraZeneca progresses Ambition Zero Carbon programme with Honeywell partnership to develop next- generation respiratory inhalers. Available at: AstraZeneca progresses Ambition Zero Carbon programme with Honeywell partnership to develop next-generation respiratory inhalers. Accessed May 2024.
  6. Asthma Right Care. IPCRG, 9 Oct. 2023. [Online]. Available at: www.ipcrg.org/asthmarightcare. Accessed May 2024.
  7. 何金平,王志强,王志强,等. 2015. 严重难治性哮喘的患病率. J Allergy Clin Immunol 135(4): 896-902
  8. Meyers J, Yoo J, Reddel H. 2019. 成人难治性和重度哮喘:迈向新的治疗范式. 澳大利亚全科医生杂志 48: 188-92
  9. Bahadori K, Doyle-Waters MM, Marra C, et al. 2009. 哮喘的经济负担:一项系统综述. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 9(1): 24
  10. Sadatsafavi M, Lynd L, Marra C. 2010. 不列颠哥伦比亚省与哮喘相关的直接医疗保健费用. Can Respir J 17(2): 74-80
  11. 钟克峰,Wenzel SE, Brozek JL, et al. 2014. International ERS/ATS guidelines on definition, evaluation and treatment of severe asthma. Eur Respir J 43(2): 343-73 
  12. 霍弗尼J,温德斯TA,霍姆斯S, et al. 2020. 鉴定和管理严重哮喘的全球质量标准. Advances in Therapy 37(9): 3645-59
  13. WHO. 气候变化与健康. [Online]. Available at:http://www.who.int /新闻/说明书/细节/气候变化与健康问题. Accessed May 2024.
  14. WHO. 环境(室外)空气污染. [Online]. Available at: http://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ambient-(outdoor)-air-quality-and-health. Accessed May 2024.
  15. Wilkinson et al., Greenhouse gas emissions associated with suboptimal asthma care in the UK: the SABINA healthCARe‒Based envirONmental cost of treatment (CARBON) study. Thorax. 2024年2月27日;79(5):412-421.
  16. 全球哮喘倡议. [Online]. 哮喘管理和预防全球战略,2023年. Available at: http://ginasthma.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/GINA-Main-Report-2022-FINAL-22-07-01-WMS.pdf. Accessed May 2024.
  17. Eurostat. 呼吸系统疾病统计. [Online]. 可在:http://ec.europa.欧盟/欧盟统计局/ statistics-explained /索引.php?title = Respiratory_diseases_ % 20的统计数据&oldid = 497079 # Deaths_from_diseases_of_the_respiratory_system. Accessed May 2024.
  18. ARUP. 医疗保健的气候足迹. [Online]. Available at: http://www.arup.com/perspectives/publications/research/section/healthcares-climate-footprint. Accessed May 2024.
  19. Yaghoubi M et al., The Projected Economic and Health Burden of Uncontrolled Asthma in the Unites States. 美国呼吸重症医学杂志. 2019 Nov; 200(9): 1102-1112.
  20. Mortimer, Kevin et al. “低收入和中等收入国家的哮喘管理:变革的理由.” 欧洲呼吸杂志 vol. 60,3 2103179. 15 Sep. 2022, doi:10.1183/13993003.03179-2021
  21. SMI. 使病人护理途径脱碳. [Online]. Available at: http://a.storyblok.com/f/109506/x/88fe7ea368/smi-hstf-pcp-whitepaper.pdf. Accessed May 2024
  22. Usmani OS, Levy ML. Effective respiratory management of asthma and COPD and the environmental impacts of inhalers. NPJ整洁护理呼吸医学. 2023;33(1):24.

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