Accelerating innovation in cancer treatment





We start with the idea that by the time cancer is diagnosed, 它已经进化了很多年,并且有多种遗传和表观遗传变化驱动它的生长. To achieve long-term survival and potential for cure, it must be attacked from many angles. 通过同时开发直接针对癌细胞和其他激活免疫系统的疗法来帮助对抗, we are exploring the next wave of treatments, including novel combinations that may result in deeper, 更持久的反应.

Since I first trained as an oncologist nearly 30 years ago, there has been phenomenal progress in cancer research, 尤其是在肿瘤学研究中心&D、澳门葡京网赌游戏. 

We approach the development of transformational 药物 in two distinct ways:

1) Mechanisms that directly kill cancer cells - e.g. by switching ‘off’ growth-driving mutations, targeting chemotherapy or radiation directly to cancer cells using antibodies, targeting key vulnerabilities in the DNA损伤反应 and targeting epigenetic changes

2) 激活免疫系统 to boost the body’s natural defenses which can slow the growth of cancer cells, destroy the cells or to stop them from spreading (e.g. 通过克服免疫抑制,激活现有的t细胞和替换免疫系统)

Through our relentless quest for innovation, 澳门葡京赌博游戏创造了行业中最多样化的投资组合之一,以解决最大的未满足需求的癌症.

这种方法的基础是澳门葡京赌博游戏能够快速获得对疾病生物学的更深入了解,并确定大量潜在的药物靶点,这些靶点可能是开启新疗法和潜在治愈方法的关键. We are using a multi-pronged approach – investing in genomics, 数据科学与人工智能,下一代测序和 CRISPR基因编辑 -以一种以前认为不可能的方式识别、询问和验证新目标. Each new insight and every new piece of information brings us closer to creating better, more advanced and more effective treatments for patients.

Developing new 药物 that target cancer cell drivers and overcome resistance

的潜力 抗体药物偶联物(adc) to improve the treatment of breast, lung, gastric and other cancers is tremendous. adc是一种特殊的癌症杀伤剂,可能成为治疗组合的新支柱. 与传统化疗不同, ADCs deliver a drug directly into cancer cells and limit damage to healthy ones1. 同样地, we can use antibodies to target radiotherapy to kill cancer cells, 保留正常组织.

澳门葡京赌博游戏现在也可以制造药物,利用身体的多种方式来检测和修复DNA损伤, 被称为 DNA损伤反应(DDR)机制. Many cancers have lost one of these DDR mechanisms, which make them vulnerable to targeting other parts of these pathways2.Cancer cells also have incredibly high mutation rates, which results in dysfunctional cellular machinery and damaged DNA. While these cells can survive with a certain level of damage, there is a limit. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是开拓创新, 有针对性的, and biomarker-driven treatments that exploit these vulnerabilities in the cancer cells.

然而, 许多最初对靶向治疗有反应的患者会对其治疗产生耐药性, 导致它停止对癌细胞起作用.这就是为什么澳门葡京赌博游戏把注意力集中在如何靶向促进这种耐药过程的基因突变和机制上——包括同时靶向多种生物途径——有可能延长耐药癌症患者的生存时间4.

Not all cancers are driven by direct changes to the genome. 澳门葡京赌博游戏才刚刚开始了解不同基因在不同环境下是如何表达或抑制的 被称为表观遗传学 – can control cancer growth and even can lead to drug resistance5. 澳门葡京赌博游戏已经启动了几个项目,以更好地了解如何利用表观遗传学的知识来设计更有效的治疗方法.

Through our relentless quest for innovation, 澳门葡京赌博游戏创造了行业中最多样化的投资组合之一,以解决最大的未满足需求的癌症.

Aiming for a cure by harnessing the power of the immune system

In addition to targeting mutations and epigenetic changes in cancer, we are pioneering approaches to develop the next wave of immuno-oncology (IO) 药物. IO疗法可以刺激对癌症存在的识别,而人体自身的免疫监视机制可能已经错过了, 并且可以克服癌症在进化过程中经常产生的免疫抑制机制6,7. IO therapies have become the backbone of many cancer regimens.

澳门葡京赌博游戏广泛的产品线包括一系列潜在的一流IO疗法,涵盖多种肿瘤类型,正在研究疾病的所有阶段和治疗线, including novel combinations of IO therapies with the potential to induce deeper, 更持久的反应8,9.

We are also exploring ways to activate the natural T-cell response to attack cancer cells, 通过下一代免疫接合体的发展,在难以治疗的实体肿瘤中具有潜力. T-cell engagers have one arm that binds to T-cells and another that binds to cancer cells, 从而将t细胞“拉”进肿瘤.

的力量 细胞疗法 通过增强人体的自然免疫反应来改变癌症治疗是过去十年来肿瘤学领域最大的故事之一. 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在进行大量投资,以解决这一领域存在的局限性——这有希望使治愈方法有朝一日触手可及.


We are also looking for new ways to enhance 细胞疗法 通过与澳门葡京赌博游戏投资组合中的其他代理商的联合以及战略研究合作. 有证据表明,靶向多种途径可能对抗多种肿瘤逃逸机制, potentially allowing for greater anti-tumour activity than with one pathway alone10,11,12, and we are exploring a number of IO combination strategies for these synergistic effects.  

然而, it is an unfortunate reality that many cancers are identified and diagnosed in the metastatic setting; we need to identify and treat disease earlier for optimal outcomes. We are investigating ways to detect cancer signals sooner, such as using measurements of 循环肿瘤DNA 确定癌症复发风险最大的患者,为个性化治疗策略提供信息.

Many cancers are identified and diagnosed in the metastatic setting; we need to identify and treat disease earlier for optimal outcomes. We are investigating ways to detect cancer signals sooner, such as using measurements of 循环肿瘤DNA, to inform personalised treatment strategies.

澳门葡京赌博游戏正处于治疗癌症和为患者带来变革性药物方面取得重大进展的风口浪尖. 通过遵循科学, 是大胆的, 不惧怕失败, 澳门葡京赌博游戏越来越接近澳门葡京赌博游戏的使命,为全球数百万癌症患者中越来越多的人提供治疗的可能性.

Learn more about how we are leading a revolution to redefine cancer care in the below video:




1. 彼得斯C,布朗S. Antibody-drug conjugates as novel anti-cancer chemotherapeutics. Biosci代表. 2015;35(4):e00225. 2022年3月访问.

2. Hakem R. DNA-damage repair; the good, the bad, and the ugly. EMBO J. 2008;27(4):589-605. 2022年3月访问.

3. Ellis LM, Hicklin DJ. 靶向治疗的耐药性:在分子肿瘤学时代改进抗癌治疗. 临床癌症研究中心. 2009;15(24):7471-7478. 2022年3月访问.

4. Sequist L,等. Osimertinib plus savolitinib in patients with EGFR mutation-positive, MET-amplified, EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂进展后的非小细胞肺癌:来自多中心的中期结果, 非盲, 1b期研究. 《澳门葡京赌博游戏》杂志. 2020;21(3):373-386. 2022年3月访问.

5. 贝林SB,琼斯PA. 癌症的表观遗传决定因素. 冷泉港远景生物学. 2016; 8(9): a019505. 2022年3月访问.

6. Melero I等. 免疫刺激单克隆抗体的临床发展及联合应用的机会. 临床癌症研究中心. 2013;19(5):997-1008. 2022年3月访问.

7. 英国癌症研究中心. 免疫系统和癌症. 网上. 2022年3月访问.

8. 约翰逊毫升. Durvalumab±tremelimumab +化疗作为NSCLC的一线治疗:来自3期POSEIDON研究的结果. Presented at: IASLC 2021 World conference on Lung Cancer; September 8-14, 2021 (Virtual Meeting).

9. Martinez-Marti一. 海岸:开放标签, 随机, 局部晚期患者durvalumab单独或与新药联合的2期平台研究, 不可切除的, III期NSCLC[介绍]. Presented at: The ESMO Congress 2021; September 16-21, 2021 (Virtual Meeting).

10. 德雷克CG. 联合免疫治疗方法. 安杂志. 2012; 23(增刊. 8): viii41-viii46. 2022年3月访问.

11. Pardoll D. The blockade of immune checkpoints in cancer immunotherapy. 巨蟹座. 2012;12(4):252-264. 2022年3月访问.

12. Melero I等. Evolving synergistic combinations of 有针对性的 immunotherapies to combat cancer. 巨蟹座. 2015;15(8):457-472. 2022年3月访问.

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